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Along with my own work, I have been commissioned as a choreographer by different parties for shorter individual projects.
Marching Beauty (May 2021)
Assigned by Fontys Dance Academy to create a performance for the Fremdkörper project, aimed for outside public spaces

@Noa Hol

@Noa Hol

@Noa Hol
Lora (March 2021)
Assigned by PARK platform for visual arts to create a performance in the exhibition space as part of the project Komma in collaboration with DansBrabant; a program offering artists outside the visual arts scene the opportunity to respond to PARK exhibitions from within their own discipline to broaden the artistic perspective and engage into a multi-disciplinary dialogue
knocking on my mind (September 2022)
Invited by BUT Film Festival to perform a work around the theme of "eye for an eye", 'knocking on my mind' is a work in which obsession and de(con)struction reside.

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